The Rest Of The Cast

Denny Lachance

Denny was Gordie's brother, and he was the only one who seemed to care about his little brother. Denny was the quarterback in his high school footbal team. Denny died in a car accident, which produced a total mess between Gordie and his parents.

Mr. And Mrs. Lachance

These are Gordie's parents, they are always ignoring him, so gordie tries to get from his friends the approval he thinks his parents should give him.

Mrs. Lachance could never put the pieces back together after Denny's death


This is a fictional character created by Gordie Lachance and the star of the Lardass story. This Lardass gets in a food contest but he wasn't interested in winning, what he wanted was to take revenge on everyone in town because they were always making fun of him. before the contest started, lardass drank castor oil and swallowed an egg, so when he was in the middle of this contest he barfed on the four-time champion Bill Travis, which provocated a total barfarama in the crowd

Milo Pressman

Milo Pressman And Chopper Milo Pressman owns the junkyard in CastleRock, he's got a dog called Chopper, this guy trained his dog to bite certain parts of the body of anyone who breaks into the junkyard.

When the boys entered the junkyard, Milo caught Gordie trying to escape and sent Chopper after him, and when this one escaped, he took revenge by mocking Teddy and making fun of his father

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